Piano Teacher - Midorie Tjiawi
Midorie Tjiawi—the 1st prize winner (Open Category) of the Trinity Guildhall Piano Competition 2008—is an all rounded artist in Singapore and Indonesia.
As a solo pianist, Midorie has been invited to perform with numerous professional musician groups in Esplanade, Nanyang Technological University, Young Musician’s Society, Alliance Francaise, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Hotel Grand Angkasa (Indonesia), Hotel Tiara (Indonesia), etc. Midorie is also a chamber musician, she can accompany on both piano and harpsichord. Midorie received her Diploma in Music in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and BA (Hons) in Music in University of Wales under the renowned piano pedagogist, Ms. Lim Tsui Fang. She was also taught by prestigious world class pianists such as: Prof. Boris Kraljevic, Prof. Felix Chang, Prof. Patsy Toh, Prof. Stefan Ammer, Dennis Lee, Toh Chee Hung, Philip Jenskin, Dr. Lin Chu Ling, etc.
Due to her outstanding performances in both academic and major study, she received ASEAN Grant Scholarship in the year 2005. She is now a Diploma in Music and BA (Hons) in Music holder. Her grade 8 ABRSM Practical Piano Examination brought her back to perform in the ABRSM High Scorer Concerts 2004 at Jakarta – Indonesia. Midorie is also the highest scorer of Licentiate Trinity College London in Piano Performance and the 3rd prize winner of Trinity College London Piano Competition in Singapore 2006.
As a composer, Midorie’s composition, Silk Worms, was chosen by choreographer (Lim Fei Shen) to set a dance piece as part of the Dance Department Graduation Recital 2006. The work has also been performed in the Dance Festival 2006 at Esplanade Theatre, as well as Thailand in 2007.
Midorie is a dedicated teacher and was a full-time music teacher in Seimpi School of Music. Most of her students scored high distinctions in ABRSM Piano practical exams. Making music lesson in fun and excited ways, Midorie had taught numerous young children to enjoy and love music. Some even pursue their music professional career.
Musical examinations have never been first priority to her teaching, they just serve as goals that help student to recognize the standard of themselves. Therefore, most of her students who scored high distinction in Piano exams, expresses music naturally with love from their heart.
In Singapore Youth Festival, Midorie was the choir piano accompanist of the Paya Lebar Methodist Girl, Marsiling Secondary school, Compassvale Secondary school, and Bedok Town Secondary School, etc.
Midorie now is working as a private music teacher with her husband, Laurence Yu, under 2pianoteachers.